The overall production quality is impressive, but the story itself comes off as pretty jaded.
Aside from just the overall tone, the one thing that keeps coming to mind specifically is the conflict resolution with the two girls. Sticking up for yourself is great. Being an ass about it isn't. I'm not even asking for moralisms, but at this point I'm not sure why I should like the protagonists any more than their antagonizers, aside from the fact they're the ones getting pushed around.
Because it became less them lashing out when pushed to their limit, and more them taking satisfaction in stepping on other people's toes, which is the same kind of malice that their own bullies show to them.
On a different note, I related a fair bit to the cat guy so, he's definitely my favorite of the two. The scene where he's on the verge of panic by being overwhelmed by the crowd and noise around him felt real man.
But, on the topic of the characters, I guess what you'd want to be asking yourself is... why should we be rooting for these two at all? What makes them interesting as people that we'd want to follow their story? Is there anything to really like about them at all?
Because I liked the cat the most due to simply relating, but that was in comparison to just plain not liking or flat-out disliking everyone else. At best I pitied the protags for getting bullied, but there wasn't much else for me to be interested in.